East News Archive
East News
Teachers & Student Tutoring Support
Cum Laude Virtual Tutoring
"Got a problem? We're here to help you solve it."
Tutoring provided by Cum Laude students AND East teachers present at every session Tuesday & Thursday night 7:00 – 8:15pm. They can assist with ANY of your classes! This can be one-on-one or small group at each session.
Google meet link for tutoring: https://meet.google.com/heh-rnzg-qxj
Tutoring Google Class code : abfem7z
or the link is -- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk4MzQxOTkyNjcx?cjc=abfem7z
East Guidance Senior College Night
The Cherry Hill East Guidance Department will present Senior College Night on Thursday (9/26) from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Students & Parents/Guardians will meet with their assigned Counselor in various locations throughout the school. How to apply to college, Naviance, the Common App, and much more will be discussed, and all of your questions will be answered! Seniors and Parents/Guardians should attend.
Click HERE for more information
Library Annex - Mrs. Walsh, Ms. Han, Ms. Clements, & Mr. Gamel
Cafeteria 1 – Ms. McClain, Mrs. Lynch, & Mr. Figueroa
Cafeteria 2 - Mrs. Friedman, Mrs. Grossman, & Mrs. James
We hope to see you there!
Cherry Hill East
Bell Schedule 2024-25
A letter by our JSU, MENA, and MSA student leaders
WE, as student leaders of the Cherry Hill High School East community, are
deeply disheartened by the surge in hatred and violence over the past week...
Click HERE to read more